Unpacking Social Networks (USN)

An art project concieved out of the clinging for expansion in existing human social networks to include all living beings from visible to micro'est one's, all of those who gets ignored...

Roadside Birds Of South Delhi

Site 3
Chitranjan Park Crossing
 South Delhi
 Ho Chi Minh Marg

Its a noisy busy road side location. Connecting with Nehru place, Greater Kailash & C.R.Park Area making sure that there is always a flow of traffic. Being on such a junction of three directions will provide our experiment a greater exposure and shall also spread our cause more & making it accecible to all those who visit this site.

Aim: Raising chances to notice nature in action strategically to encourage random public participation

Our chosen site for this part of experim-ent is a well abundent bird feeding site one of the few popular ones. The site has accomodated hundreds of pigeons. Those who got the habit of keeping food or offer water to birds and animals ensure that their is always enough cereal and seed supply and that bowls are filled with tap water.

The availability of seeds in such huge support and attract huge number of pigeons at the site. Other then pigeons, crows and Myna were also spotted sharing meals with them.
Installing sculpture with a friend, Abhishek Bhowal who has also assisted with documentations.

next page: Under the sacred local Peeple tree shrine of Khirkee Village...
